
IPA: sˈʌbspˈiʃiz


  • (taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below species.
  • (taxonomy) A taxon at that rank, often indicated with trinomial nomenclature (such as Felis silvestris silvestris in zoology and Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii in botany).
  • A subdivision of a species in other scientific disciplines.

Examples of "subspecies" in Sentences

  • The Santo Domingo trout is sometimes classified as the subspecies nelsoni.
  • Subsequently, the golden trout was described as a subspecies of cutthroat trout in 1892.
  • In 1894, the landlocked salmon of Quebec was described as a subspecies, “S. salar ouananiche.”
  • Anyway, the point is that if you're not a certain subspecies of nerd, you probably are going to find the Silmarillion boring.
  • So the biggest of all reindeer subspecies is non-migratory, and so is the smallest, the platyrhynchus subspecies of Spitzbergen.
  • 'These mongooses may represent a separate subspecies from the one that exists in Kenya,' said Dr. De Luca of WCS 'Tanzania Program.
  • As confusing as this may be for the non-expert the important consideration is the no matter wether correctly called redband steelhead, or redhead steelhead, they are all rainbow trout and are classified as subspecies of the full species Oncorhynchus mykiss.
  • For example, there are no subspecies among the five species of Pacific salmon because, without a geographical barrier isolating adjacent populations, a fully anadromous species typically does not partition its diversity into discrete units that might be classified as subspecies.

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