
IPA: sʌbstˈænʃieɪtɪŋ


  • serving to support or corroborate

Examples of "substantiating" in Sentences

  • The answers to those questions are totally UNCLASSIFIED, and every real SEAL will gladly provide that substantiating information upon request.
  • In this manner, Lummer, together with Pringsheim and Kurlbaum, succeeded in substantiating the so-called Stefan-Boltzmann law which indicates the relationship between the quantity of heat radiated by a black body and its temperature.
  • There are many other questions which could be asked to further establish the level of veracity or untruth regarding his claims, but those three questions are absolutes; the answers are totally UNCLASSIFIED, and every real SEAL will gladly provide that substantiating information upon request.
  • The answers to those questions are totally UNCLASSIFIED, and every real SEAL will gladly provide that substantiating information upon request, although you will be very likely be told that the information is either classified or sensitive and cannot be provided, or you will be given some totally bogus information.

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