IPA: sˈʌbstʌtutʌbˈɪɫʌti
- The quality of being substitutable; the capacity to be substituted.
Examples of "substitutability" in Sentences
- There are degrees of monopoly power depending on the degree of substitutability.
- What about the substitutability between mobile and non-mobile Internet advertising?
- When I heard Cochrane a while back, he was talking about the high rate of substitutability of...
- Think smart phones, portability, distributed networks, intraoperability, personal substitutability of programs and locally improvable.
- The assessment methodology would be based size, interconnectedness, lack of substitutability, global activity and complexity of the banks.
- Alex Tabarrok forwards Paul Krugman's citations of the late Paul Samuelson on the ineffectiveness of monetary policy, due to high substitutability between Federal reserve liabilities and other assets.
- In general terms, a relevant product market comprises all those products and/or services which are regarded as interchangeable or substitutable substitutability by reason of product characteristics, prices and intended use.1
- Borjas & Co., working with heroic models with heroic assumptions about the mobility and substitutability of capital and labor -- statistical systems that are always highly susceptible to assumptions -- find that high-school dropouts have taken a 4-8% wage hit because of immigration between 1980 and 2000.