IPA: sˈʌbsʌmpʃʌn
- The act of subsuming.
- Something subsumed.
- (logic) The premise of a syllogism that contains the minor term.
Examples of "subsumption" in Sentences
- There are no other parameters that might halt their subsumption of the troublesome race?
- Another strategy is to remove more specific clauses in the presence of more general ones by a process known as subsumption (Robinson 1965a).
- The subsumption of the psyche makes it available for further re-conceptualisation, for the invention of new pathologies and new perversions.
- James also hinted at another level of subsumption which is more interesting - the case of the two patterns implemented in a prototype based language like Javascript.
- They include women's enclaves that for centuries remained hidden behind the art historical depictions of women made by male artists -- enclaves that except for the religious orders have become depreciated in their cultural and commercial subsumption today, if not made near-extinct in the West.
- While this is certainly better than manually adding some property / subproperty lists, especially for maintenance purposes, it requires that the underlying models (e.g. FOAF if you want to deal with rdfs: label / foaf: name subsumption) must be loaded in the triple store, which you can do when setting it up, e.g.: