IPA: sʌbtrˈækʃʌn
- (arithmetic, uncountable) The process of subtracting a number from another.
- (arithmetic, countable) A calculation involving subtracting.
- The removal of something.
Examples of "subtraction" in Sentences
- The most notable subtraction is WR Terrell Owens, who was cut in March.
- The best math we could have from Billary is subtraction from the race, NOW.
- The result of the subtraction will be the amount of gas that has been burned since the last bill was rendered.
- I think that practice of subtraction is also what makes it difficult to imagine the framing of Wyeth's paintings.
- They WANT bipartisanship but what they offer is a "subtraction" from what Obama wants and an "addition" of NOTHING!!!
- Thus if a man's capital be ten and his debts eight, the subtraction will be the same, whether we call the capital negative debt, or the debt negative capital.
- You go about bullying little boys, and calling yourself King Pewee, but you can't do a sum in long division, nor in short subtraction, for that matter, and you let fellows like Riley make
- 'Dear Irene and Reggie,' it ran, 'Your dispute as to the number of stomachs which a cow possesses can be settled and rectified by a simple mathematical process usually called subtraction, thus:
- He states that although some Mendelians have spoken of genetic factors as permanent and indestructible, he is satisfied that they may occasionally undergo a quantitative disintegration, the results of which he calls subtraction or reduction stages.