IPA: sʌksˈɪŋktnʌs
- The property of being succinct, conciseness.
Examples of "succinctness" in Sentences
- Anyway, I appreciate your fired-upedness and succinctness.
- Twitter limits posts to 140 characters so succinctness is the key!
- Tozer was mostly very good at succinctness, and if those notes are not almost too succinct then nothing is.
- Suffering Succotash - is this forum being reduced to who is/is not eligible for the Hemingway prize in succinctness?
- Because writing in 140 characters or less will teach you succinctness, a crisp modern style, and add breadth to your artistic vision.
- I can´t help this as I am from the Deep South in the United States and of English/Scottish parentage and we historically value the sounds of incessant gabbing over succinctness.
- Not sure yet, but have decided to get into the swing of succinctity (I realize, but I dislike the sound of "succinctness" -- clumsy-sounding) by attempting a series of short posts.