IPA: sˈudʌfɛd
- vasoconstrictor (trade names privine and sudafed) used in nasal sprays to treat symptoms of nasal congestion and in eyedrops to treat eye irritation
Examples of "sudafed" in Sentences
- OMG I need some sudafed… or a ballistic kevlar vest
- And now I'm going to take another sudafed and go to bed.
- Rana: Yes, I do use ear planes, as well as take sudafed.
- See what happens when you put sudafed behind the counter?
- Screw the sudafed: When your nose ain't great, masturbate!
- So I feel like I'm thinking through a bottle of sudafed right now. nixiebunny
- The whole sudafed ban is absurd as is the entire "war" (term used loosely) on drugs.
- I've gone through the majority of a box of kleenex, an entire box of sudafed, and half a bottle of ibuprofen.
- On top of everything else, I'm in a drugged state from the dramamine and sudafed that I took hoping to ward off the other conditions.