IPA: sˈudˈeɪʃʌn
- Perspiration; sweat (fluid).
- (physiology) The process of perspiring.
Examples of "sudation" in Sentences
- Without all the lipids, excessive sudation and furious heaving of course.
- None the less, such copious sudation is an evil that wastefully saps vitality.
- Eyes are to be protected and wrapped with a piece of cloth while doing sudation
- There are evinced symptoms of pain, muscular tremors and sudation, but the affected member remains dry and there is a marked difference of temperature between the normal areas and the cool anemic parts.
- The seizures are accompanied with profuse sudation, tremors, dilated nostrils, accelerated respirations and other symptoms of pain and distress, all of which, together with the lameness, disappear as rapidly as they had developed, leaving the animal in an apparently perfect state of health, ready to fall with another attack of precisely the same kind, as soon as enough exercise is forced upon it.