IPA: sˈuɝ
- Someone who sues; a suitor.
Examples of "suer" in Sentences
- His court wide open for the suer is dight: — One, very God, the Lord, th’ Almighty might.’
- The verb is "suer" : je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué
- (The verb is "suer": je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué)
- Ladies & gentlemen please make suer your seatbelts are buckled, and your tray tables are in the folded and locked position.
- I still talk with the old boys who helped me and visit the ones who can not get out anymore, and make suer to bring something fozen to them, that is what really makes me smilie! sharing the rewards!