
IPA: sˈʌfɝɪŋ


  • The condition of someone who suffers; a state of pain or distress.


  • Experiencing pain; characterized by suffering.

Examples of "suffering" in Sentences

  • When I use the word "suffering" I know what I am talking about.
  • Governor Aycock lived nearly through his term suffering the inconvenience
  • Tax the rich, lets make Rush happy at all costs, his suffering is my pleasure. hahaha
  • Are we yet again suffering from the vagaries of WordPress and its crappy handling of the comments?
  • He takes the case: '_A negro is a fellow-creature_: therefore, _A negro in suffering is a fellow-creature in suffering_.'
  • This, he opines, is much better than human rights commissions and tribunals which he describes as suffering from "blowback".
  • The opposition leader says the campaign is intended to identify with what he calls the suffering of tens of thousands of Ugandans who cannot afford the high cost of transportation.
  • But when we speak of suffering, we do not speak of a _dull neglected suffering_, but of _a wise and industrious suffering_, which draweth and contriveth _use and advantage out of that which seemeth adverse and contrary_, which is that properly which we call _accommodating_ or _applying_.
  • This doesn't mean that I agree with their decisions, but one thing I can't in good conscience do is claim that they've been lax as UUs when they come to different conclusions or that they are ignoring suffering when they've concluded that what I label suffering and immorality is not suffering or immorality.

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synonyms for sufferingdescribing words for suffering

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