
IPA: sˈʌfʌkeɪtɪv


  • Tending or able to choke or stifle.

Examples of "suffocative" in Sentences

  • They are liable to suffocative orthopnœa after measles, and die unless bled and purged.
  • If such an environment remains suffocative, such dreams will only remain as hallucinations.
  • Woodland Strawberry, which is of excellent service for nettle rash, or allied erysipelas: also for a suffocative swelling of the swallowing throat.
  • In some cases alarming suffocative attacks occasionally supervene during sleep, but the difficulty in breathing disappears as soon as the child is wakened.
  • _Excessive length_ of the frenum is occasionally met with, and in children may allow of the tongue falling back into the throat and causing sudden suffocative attacks, one of which may prove fatal.
  • The surface of the body is pale or dusky, the lips are livid, while breathing becomes increasingly difficult, and is attended with suffocative paroxysms which render the recumbent posture impossible.
  • When used in a diluted form it is highly beneficial for relieving the same symptoms, if they come on as an attack of illness, particularly for the spurious croup of children, which wakes them at night with a suffocative cough and wheezing.
  • The relief its vapor affords in the collapse of chloroform anæsthesia, in which dissolution is imminent from paralyzed heart's action, is instantaneous, and its effect upon the spasmodic and suffocative sensations of hydrophobia are equally prompt.
  • Of the three liberated gases, hydrogen only is inflammable, and the other two suffocative of flame; but together the nitrogen and chlorine are not to be undervalued, for chloride of nitrogen is ranked as the most terrible and unmanageable of all explosives.
  • In case the accident occurs with a child, and the slapping process does not afford instant relief, it should be grasped by the feet, and placed head downwards, and the slapping between the shoulders renewed; but in case this induced violent suffocative paroxysms it must not be repeated.

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