
IPA: sʌfjˈuz


  • (transitive) To spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light; to bathe.
  • (transitive, figuratively) To spread through or over in the manner of a liquid.
  • (transitive) To pour underneath.


  • Suffused; diffuse.

Examples of "suffuse" in Sentences

  • Then the light of the full moon began to suffuse his face, until he exploded with: That was my other dog.
  • If the truths of the Catholic faith do not suffuse these endeavors, the university simply is not Catholic.
  • Spock allowed it to sweep over and through him, to buffet and suffuse him with impatience, frustration, and a determination to kill.
  • Messner regarded her in a way that was almost paternal, what of the profundity of pity and patience with which he contrived to suffuse it.
  • But there are times when he seems unable to: when his emotional reactions get the better of him, and suffuse his public rhetoric on foreign affairs and infuse his specific foreign policies.
  • Perhaps Dr Nunn will tell us some day if quantum memories are like the human ones that suffuse this room – memories of 30-year-old kisses and of bedtime stories read by one of the RSC's most seductive voices, all locked, perhaps subatomically, in these very walls.
  • Set to run for six hours, as per his own solstice tradition, the performance will incorporate projections of "The Movement of People Working," an attentive series of documentary films that Mr. Niblock started making in the '70s, as well as music that stands to swell and suffuse the room.
  • And then, just ere our hands met, a twinkle of -- oh -- such distant and controlled geniality quickened the many tiny wrinkles in the corner of the eyes; the clear blue of the eyes was suffused by an almost colourful warmth; the face, too, seemed similarly to suffuse; the thin lips, harsh-set the instant before, were as gracious as Bernhardt's when she moulds sound into speech.

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