
IPA: sˈʌɫkʌs


  • (anatomy) A furrow or groove in an organ or a tissue, especially that marking the convolutions of the surface of the brain.
  • (planetology) A region of subparallel grooves or ditches formed by a geological process.

Examples of "sulcus" in Sentences

  • She was later diagnosed with a rare condition, known as sulcus vocalis.
  • Fourth degree tear, sulcus tears inside, stitches opened up less than a week after the birth.
  • Moreover, each lateral wall exhibits a division into a dorsal or alar and a ventral or basal lamina separated internally by a furrow termed the sulcus of Monro.
  • In one section, Ms. Falk declares: "Dart had mistakenly identified the lambdoid suture of the skull that had been imprinted on Taung's endocast as the lunate sulcus!"
  • The posterior cingulate cortex and superior temporal sulcus were larger in people who identified themselves as having many characteristics associated with agreeableness.
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ...
  • The superior temporal sulcus is involved in processing very basic behavioural actions, whereas the prefrontal cortex is involved in more complex functions such as processing how decisions affect others.
  • In her estimation, experts misinterpreted some of the intricate crevices and lumps on this brain cast, leading to the mistaken assumption that a feature called the lunate sulcus was in a position similar to ours, when the lunate sulcus was actually in a position more similar to nonhuman apes.
  • Yet this is starkly contradicted by a seminal study in 2000, in which Pascal Belin found that a region of the brain the upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus responds selectively to sounds made by humans, such as speech, laughs, cries and sighs, but not to environmental sounds or the sounds of nature.
  • They identified three brain regions in which grey matter density was greatest in those with the most Facebook friends, but was not linked to the number of real-world friends they had: the superior temporal sulcus and the middle temporal gyrus, which have previously been associated with the ability to perceive social cues from facial expressions, and the entorhinal cortex, which is linked to memory for things like faces and names.

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