
IPA: sˈʌɫtrinʌs


  • The state or quality of being sultry.

Examples of "sultriness" in Sentences

  • I cannot breathe; the sultriness is dreadful; your window is still open.
  • The sun came out, increasing the sultriness of the day, while the dead calm still held.
  • In the lee of Waihee, between the white beach and the reef, no whisper of breeze eased the still sultriness.
  • Rhona Mitra is hot and she has the sultriness attitude that can carry on to a Selina Kyle/Catwoman character.
  • Adele for six awards, including Album of the Year: Who can resist this English crooner's sultriness wow, that's really a word?
  • Measuring 6 inches (7” with base), this mini-statue captures the charm and sultriness of this real-life heroine in exacting, minute detail.
  • Burhenn ups the sultriness factor on "What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood," making for an album of smoky, seductive songs that show she's been listening to plenty of Dusty Springfield lately.
  • Bred in this sparkling and cool sunshine, in these pure and silvered mists of America, it was no wonder that sometimes she fainted in the thick sultriness of an August noon in a southern Chinese city, filled too full of human breath and of the odor of sweating human flesh….

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