IPA: sˈʌmɝʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- US standard spelling of summarisation. [(countable) The act of summarising]
Examples of "summarization" in Sentences
- Content summarization as well as personalization strategies;
- Hive: A data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying.
- For example, when you google the phrase "keyword summarization," you get more than 262 million results.
- Not bad, not really bad, was the summarization; but not too good after the death of his wife ten years before.
- This default “summarization” behavior, and many other project settings, can be changed in the Personalize dialog.
- What Gould Bear refers to as "Non-Salience Deemphasis," a more casual observer might call summarization or emphasis.
- I realize that book reviewing doesn't pay enough to rationally justify doing any work other than this kind of summarization, but don't any of these people who have swallowed Levitt's theory hook, line, and sinker have any self-respect?
- "An analysis, and indeed, summarization, of the stylistic contents of the celebrated treatise" A Road to Serfdom "leads one with personal conviction of justifiable coherence to tentatively conclude a lack of linear non-repetitive argumentation in the text".