IPA: sʌmˈeɪʃʌn
- summarization; summary; summing up.
- (mathematics) summing; summing up; adding (adding up) of a series of items.
Examples of "summation" in Sentences
- So ya, in summation, humor works everywhere, not just in writing or on tv.
- So in summation – can this shrill, self absorbed woman please leave the stage.
- So, in summation; CROM! is alive and well and I'm inviting YOU to help keep it that way!
- Obama, in summation, is acting just like the abject puppet of the Wall Street derivatives merchants and warmongers which we have argued him to be.
- David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them."
- In addition to — or perhaps in summation of — these factors, is the fuzzy, new age-y feeling that being here, now, is somehow just not quite right.
- So in summation, your willingness to defend a coward who consistently provides aid and comfort to an enemy in time of war does not speak well of your own character.
- The station reports the letter includes what it calls a summation, with Voong saying he cannot -- and I'm quoting now -- "accept my poor life and that at least two people with me go to return to the dust of the earth."