
IPA: sˈʌndriz


  • (accounting) A category in accounting records for irregular or miscellaneous items not otherwise classified.

Examples of "sundries" in Sentences

  • -- This item marked 'sundries' was DRY goods, I suppose?
  • It is now covered by the 'sundries' item, but I'll have the receipts to show, all right.
  • The amounts paid should be reflected in any financial statements, and not hidden under some "sundries" heading.
  • We are receiving no canned goods from Bulgaria at this time or many other things such as sundries and nicknacks.
  • The bill which was settled by George amounted to £75 4s 5d and included "sundries" of 6s 6d (Stillinger 249-251).
  • Later the names gradually lost sharpness of outline, and eventually faded into "sundries," thus becoming entirely -- but safely -- undescriptive.
  • In all it amounted to £75 4s 5d, including not just rent and a half share of the wines and spirits bill, but four guineas for the doctors, 3s for coach hire and even 6s 6d for "sundries" (Brown to Dilke, 2 May 1826 [Stillinger 250-251]).
  • Crucial to me is that the richest flavours of remembrance need the BBC box to be full of Oz commentators' ripe vernacular as the ball hits "the pickets", not the boundary fence; that extras are always "sundries"; and that the scorecard numbering is forever eccentrically reversed, as in that inaugural score back in 1946 when it was eight for 659 and not the other way around.
  • They landed, however, the consignments of goods intended for the speculative merchant, who had started in business in what he called sundries; two great chests for the young doctor, who had begun life where he had no patients, and passed his time in fishing; and sundry huge packages intended for a gentleman who had taken up land just outside the town, as it was called, where he meant to start sugar-planting.

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