IPA: sˈʌnrum
- A room used for its abundant sunlight, especially one in a residence with numerous large glass windows.
Examples of "sunroom" in Sentences
- It also shows Lennon standing in the sunroom.
- The second floor includes four bedrooms and sunroom.
- Lennon also wrote on an upright piano in the sunroom.
- Continue to the left past the living room, is the sunroom.
- Added onto the back of the sunroom, is a screened in porch.
- In other parts of the world this is referred to as a sunroom.
- The porch was covered over into a sunroom sometime around 1900.
- The downstairs contains three sunrooms facing south and the river.
- Adjacent to the dining room, at the back of the house, was a small sunroom.
- A year prior to the latter, the sunroom was added to the west of the house.