
IPA: sˈʌnspɑt


  • (astronomy) A region on the sun's surface with a lower temperature than its surroundings and intense magnetic activity.

Examples of "sunspot" in Sentences

  • The storm erupted from a region known as sunspot 1302.
  • Officially, the flare-spouting region is called sunspot 1283.
  • A sunspot is a region on the Sun that is cooler than its surroundings.
  • And the article’s study of variations in sunspot activity and cosmic rays goes up only until 1980.
  • Decadal and longer changes in sunspot activity impacting warming and cooling cloud cover patterns are now being recognized as an important factor.
  • The region on the sun's disk known as sunspot 1283 has been spouting off with one flare after another, earning it the title of "Old Faithful" among solar physicists.
  • "Whether [the current downturn] is an omen of long-term sunspot decline, analogous to the Maunder Minimum, remains to be seen," Livingston and Penn caution in a recent issue of EOS.
  • As a long time fan of contemporary folklore, I thought it might be interesting to track this particular meme, so I used a popular search engine feature in which I registered a particular string (the word sunspot, in this case), and every day it sent me a summary of every new use of this word found on Web sites, in blogs, Usenet newsgroups and newspapers, along with links to these articles.
  • As a long time fan of contemporary folklore, I thought it might be interesting to track this particular meme, so I used a popular search engine feature in which I registered a particular string (the word sunspot, in this case), and every day it sent me a summary of every new use of this word found on web sites, in blogs, Usenet newsgroups, and newspapers, along with links to these articles.

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