
IPA: sˈʌnstoʊn


  • (mineralogy) A translucent form of feldspar having flakes of hematite, used as an ornamental stone.

Examples of "sunstone" in Sentences

  • For a "sunstone" they used a polarimeter, a device that measures polarization.
  • The ruby-colored light from the sunstone gives him a threatening, power-mad look.
  • Touching the sunstone in her right ear, she cast a protective net over a hundred-square-yard area.
  • In Dinotopia: The World Beneath, 1995, large caverns beneath the island are lit by glowing algae, "sunstone" crystals, and ferns.
  • Such a tool, known as a sunstone, is known from legend, but until now experimental evidence that it could actually work as hypothesized was lacking.
  • The portrait of the character Lee Crabb from Dinotopia, below, shows him at a dramatic moment when he wants to take control of a powerful glowing sunstone.
  • So they used a polarimeter to mimic the possible effect of a supposed "sunstone" crystal, but the article doesn't detail exactly what sort of crystal that might be.
  • The enigmatic sunstone appears as an extra navigational aid in an Icelandic saga featuring a sailor called Sigurd who, frustrated by the weather, holds a sunstone aloft to locate the sun and so set his ship's course.

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