
IPA: sʊpˈɝbiʌ


  • unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)

Examples of "superbia" in Sentences

  • Adeo incomprehensibilis et aspera eorum superbia, &c. 6491.
  • Flamma simul libidinis ingreditur; ira, furor et superbia, divitiarum sequela.
  • 'Tis proper to man alone, uni superbia, avaritia, superstitio, saith Plin. lib.
  • Augustine or Aquinas at least had some attempts to nail down the philosphical problem: the problem with "superbia" (vanity) and "amor sui".
  • Vnum est, quod quicunque in superbia erectus, propria authoritate sine electione principum esse voluerit imperator, sine vlla miseratione debet occidi.
  • It is thereby driven, ultimately, by spiritual pride what Augustine calls superbia and it is an essentially rational act - the training for the ascent is the intellectual training of dialectic.
  • If she be fair, as the saying is, she is commonly a fool: if proud, scornful, sequiturque superbia formam, or dishonest, rara est concordia formae, atque pudicitiae, can she be fair and honest too?
  • Thou art humble as thou art, it may be; hadst thou been preferred, thou wouldst have forgotten God and thyself, insulted over others, contemned thy friends, [3973] been a block, a tyrant, or a demigod, sequiturque superbia formam: [3974] Therefore, saith
  • Vanity, pride, pettiness and a desire to impose one's will on others are among the effects of original sin which Augustine discusses at some length and he says explicitly that Adam and Eve held God's original command in contempt because they were "puffed up with pride" ( "elatus superbia").
  • [Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, eodem libro 9.cap. l2.] continueth this historie of these two hundreth saile of ships, and sheweth how by their prowesse chiefly, the multitude of the Sarazens were in short space vanquished and ouerthrowen: The words are these; Ab ipso ver� die terti� feri� dum sic in superbia et elatione su� multitudinis immobiles Saraceni persisterent, et multis armorum terroribus Christianum populum vexarent, sexta feria appropinquante.

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