IPA: sˈupɝbʌg
- (informal) A strain of bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics (e.g., MDR, XDR).
- (informal) Any pathogen resistant to many, even all, of the biocides or other agents used to treat similar pathogens.
- (US) An invasive insect, Bemisia tabaci, that is a major pest of vegetable crops, both directly and as a virus vector.
Examples of "superbug" in Sentences
- A superbug is a type of bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics
- Hospitals must take extra precautions to prevent the spread of superbugs
- The rise of superbugs is a growing concern in the medical community
- Researchers are working to develop new treatments to combat superbugs
- It is important for individuals to practice good hygiene to help prevent the spread of superbugs