IPA: supɝsˈɪɫiʌm
- (anatomy, rare) The eyebrow (arch of hair above each eye).
- The region of the eyebrows.
- (anatomy) The overhanging margin of a bony cavity (as of the acetabulum).
- (zoology) A superciliary marking or structure, especially in a bird.
- (architecture, classical) The narrow fillet above the cymatium of a cornice.
- A fillet above and below the scotia of an Attic base.
- The lintel or transverse part of a door frame.
- (rare, humorous) Superciliousness, haughtiness; an instance of this, a supercilious demeanor.
Examples of "supercilium" in Sentences
- She raised her hand to brush away an errant strand of hair that fell over her supercilium
- The actress arched her supercilium in a look of disdain, perfectly portraying the character's haughty demeanor
- His supercilium twitched in irritation as he listened to the annoying chatter of his coworkers
- With a flick of her supercilium, she silenced the room and commanded everyone's attention
- The makeup artist carefully filled in her supercilium with a dark pencil, creating a bold and dramatic look