IPA: supɝfˈɪʃʌɫ
- (usually in the plural) A surface detail.
- (relational) Existing, occurring, or located on the surface.
- (anatomy, relational, often with to) Closer to the surface of the body; especially, situated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it.
- Appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely.
- Not thorough, deep, or complete; concerned only with the obvious or apparent.
- Lacking depth of character or understanding; lacking substance or significance.
- (rare) Two-dimensional; drawn on a flat surface.
- (Britain, architecture) Denoting a quantity of a material expressed in terms of area covered rather than linear dimension or volume.
Examples of "superficial" in Sentences
- Mr. Parvaiz, 26, suffered what were described as superficial wounds.
- So why would progressives want to participate in superficial nonsense like RePugniScums do?
- The lacerations probably looked pretty bad right after the accident, but they were what we call superficial.
- In the video, she takes aim at what she calls superficial pop culture and the effect it is having on young girls ` images.
- The industry of the superficial is well funded and outrageously expensive and will do a great deal in helping fund any war or social program.
- Some men, of whom I wish to speak with great respect, are haunted, as it seems to me, with an unreasonable fear of what they call superficial knowledge.
- Different dog and cat breeds are known for both their differences in superficial characteristics, such as size and color, as well as personality and intelligence differences.
- He could nimbly reach down into the tumors and, if they were “movable” as he called superficial, noninvasive cancers, pull them out without disturbing the tender architecture of tissues underneath.
- Too frequently the stories seem to settle for, at worst, an indulgence in superficial whimsy, at best, a cultivation of the bizarre in situation and event that, at least as I read them, can't bear the weight they're asked to bear when left to provide the primary source of dramatic interest.