
IPA: supɪriˈɔrɪti


  • The state of being superior.
  • (Scotland, law, historical) The right which the superior enjoys in the land held by the vassal.

Examples of "superiority" in Sentences

  • Air superiority is the foundation of our military strategy.
  • There were others than Pansy, however, who commented on what they called her superiority -- the young men who appeared in the evening.
  • What makes this more than a parlor game demonstrating female superiority is the extent to which it reveals the role of empathy in giving.
  • Clearly, that moral "superiority" is most evident when the fabled British Army is indulging in a "little light entertainment" (above right).
  • Less than three weeks ago I wrote, "The President's worn method of argument and same old attitude of moral superiority is getting tired fast."
  • But merits of the particular airplane aside, maintaining robust air superiority is generally some of the best dollars spent on the US military. the chocolate whizbang Says:
  • One of these days, over the Taiwan Straits or Central Asia, we will learn that eternal air superiority is not guaranteed to the United States as some kind of codicil to Manifest Destiny.
  • We alone are the masters of civil prudence, and our superiority is the more conspicuous, if we deign to cast our eyes on the rude and almost ridiculous jurisprudence of Draco, of Solon, and of
  • The term superiority is used here in a very specific way by Adler to mean transitioning from a felt-sense of inadequacy to a felt-sense of competence, and for Adler this was a major factor contributing to the development of community among people.
  • The danger behind genetic theories of racial superiority is that it inevitably follows that this “scientifically proven” inequality should somehow lead to action of one sort or another. “Inferior” people should be discriminated against for the good of the State or the Corporation, take your pick.

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