IPA: supɝdʒˈeɪsʌnt
- Positioned immediately above or on top of something else; overlying.
Examples of "superjacent" in Sentences
- Stagnation of food results in superjacent dilatation and esophagitis.
- We must not think, however, that all earth containing this ferment is capable of poisoning the superjacent atmosphere.
- Endobronchial neoplasms may cause a subjacent bronchiectasis, and superjacent stenosis; the latter may require dilatation.
- -- It is not uncommon to find a stricture of the bronchus superjacent to a foreign body that has been in situ for a period of months.
- Other occurrences will vary the relations of the artery in regard to superjacent structures, though the actual depth of the vessel from surface may be the same.
- These investigations demonstrated that it was possible to follow out step by step in superjacent strata the actual evolution of fossil species and to establish the actual "phyletic series."
- The EEZ gives coastal states "sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to" (above) "the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil ...".
- Even this the second difficulty, however, admits of being fully met, when we remember that in very many cases it has been proved, quite apart from the theory of descent, that superjacent formations have been separated from one another by wide intervals of time.
- Among the conditions favorable to the multiplication of the malarial ferment contained in the soil, and to its dispersion through the superjacent atmosphere, there are three which are absolutely essential, and the concurrence of which is indispensable for the production of bad air (malaria).
- The sun heats the surface-moisture, increasing the evolution of vapor, at the same time imparting a higher temperature to the superjacent air, by which its solvent power is enhanced, from which it results that as the temperature of a month or season increases so also will the amount of vapor or humidity.
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