IPA: sˈupɝmˈɑɫʌkjuɫ
- (physics, chemistry) A transitory, quantum-mechanical entity formed when two molecules react
- (informal, chemistry) A macromolecule
- (physics, chemistry) A molecule with superatom components, where each of the superatom components act as single atoms in the molecule
Examples of "supermolecule" in Sentences
- The supermolecule was created in the lab by combining various smaller molecules together
- Scientists are studying the unique properties of the supermolecule to understand its potential applications
- The supermolecule has a complex structure that allows it to perform multiple functions simultaneously
- Researchers believe that the supermolecule could revolutionize the fields of medicine and technology
- The supermolecule's ability to self-assemble makes it an exciting prospect for future scientific advancements