IPA: supɝnˈætʃɝʌɫˈɪstɪk
- Of or relating to supernaturalism.
Examples of "supernaturalistic" in Sentences
- There is also a supernaturalistic (theistic) account.
- I'm not talking about supernaturalistic understanding of theology but faith based on reason...
- On the other hand, the supernaturalistic account may not be tested and relies entirely on faith.
- The Fourth Gospel paints a supernaturalistic reference point, which I believe can be horrendously presumptuous.
- Rational morality is thus firmly rooted in the facts of reality, i.e., it has a naturalistic (not supernaturalistic) basis.
- As soon as you show me a methodologically 'supernaturalistic' research program that converges on more and more accurate models, I'll add that method to my epistemology.
- He claims that the traditional supernaturalistic form of theism with its emphasis upon the divine will does not provide an adequate alternative to the atheism of the late modern worldview because God becomes the source of evil.
- The only folks sufficiently detached from reality to actually advocate such a hopelessly impractical policy as abstinence-only these days are the 15% of the population (according to an NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy poll) whose conservative thinking is driven by supernaturalistic beliefs.
- "Either purely naturalistic terms that only science can explain," he said, or "a supernaturalistic view of the world in which we live in a fundamentally spiritual universe that deals with what theologians and philosophers call the ultimate concerns of man -- who are we, who made us?"
- As Steven D. Schafersman, professor of geology at Miami University, puts it, methodological naturalism must be adopted as a strategy or working hypothesis for science to succeed, since the various methods and necessary underlying epistemologies of science cannot operate in a supernaturalistic framework.
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