IPA: supɝpˈoʊz
- (transitive) To place one object on top of another.
- (transitive, mathematics) To place (one geometric figure) on top of another in such a way that all common parts coincide.
Examples of "superpose" in Sentences
- Amplitudes from various paths superpose by addition.
- To _put over_ or upon; as to _superpose_ one rock upon another.
- Further, I await the outcome of experiments to superpose viruses.
- There is nothing more easy to superpose -- as it were -- two distinct diseases and to produce what might be called a SEPTICEMIC PURULENT INFECTION, or
- This the roving waves bore over the submerged and now peaty forests, and deposited above them the elements of rocks which were to superpose the coal strata.
- On restoring the wire to its original place, it will be extremely flexible, and we may now superpose several contrary polarities under contrary torsions, as already described.
- The cupola was broken; but it is to be remarked that a movable and well-covered one would not have been placed under so disadvantageous circumstances as the one under consideration, upon which it was easy to superpose the blows.
- OVERVIEW: The world of the novel is our world with Internet, cell phones, all the usual countries and one addition - a "dual" city Beszel and Ul Qoma that occupy the same physical space in the sense that they intertwine and even superpose in selected areas known as "crosshatches".
- L'évaluation commune distingue un double élément dans l'objet: sa valeur ordinaire à laquelle répond le juste prix, et cette valeur extraordinaire qui appartient au vendeur, dont il se prive et qui mérite une compensation: il le fait pour ainsi dire l'objet d'un second contrat qui se superpose au premier.
- It is remarkable, also, that we are enabled to superpose and obtain the maximum effects on thin strips of iron from ¼ to ½ millimeter in thickness, while in thicker rods we have far less effect, being masked by the comparatively neutral state of the interior, the exterior molecules then reaching upon those of the interior, allowing them to complete in the interior their circle of attractions.
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