
IPA: supɝsˈidˈʊr


  • The act of superseding.
  • The replacing of an old queen bee by a new one.

Examples of "supersedure" in Sentences

  • I have said that this doctrine of supersedure is new.
  • We are optimists and realists, we take pride in our supersedure over pre-natal blemishes …
  • This was hard mind-work for me, but I mastered the situation and escaped supersedure and punishment.
  • The phenomenon is called supersedure and a sizeable number of celebrities and social figures would vouch for its existence.
  • Illinois, as chairman of the committee, and I show, beyond all controversy, that that report gave no countenance whatever to the doctrine of repeal by supersedure.
  • Did he, in the report made by him as the chairman of the Committee of Thirteen, or in any speech in support of the compromise acts, or in any conversation in the committee, or out of the committee, ever even hint at this doctrine of supersedure?
  • Absconding swarm, American foulbrood, Braula coeca, buff comb, Demaree ('the method of swarm control that separates the queen from most of the brood within the same hive'), supersedure ('a natural replacement of an established queen by a daughter in the same hive')—it's all here.
  • Soon after the supersedure of this chapel loft Mrs. Elizabeth began to reckon her work nearly done in Middletown; and, a good offer being about that time made for their valuable situation, she began to hope and pray for the accomplishment of a cherished longing to live near the place of her spiritual birth.

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