
IPA: sˈupɝstrˈætʌm


  • (geology) A stratum that is on top of another
  • (linguistics) A language imposed upon a population that previously spoke another language

Examples of "superstratum" in Sentences

  • [M3] “is on” means the substratum-superstratum relation.
  • The soil is generally deep, more or less yellow, and somewhat clayey; the hollows having a thin superstratum of black mould.
  • A plain which lay between us and the sea appeared to consist of barren sand, covered towards the sea with a superstratum of salt.
  • The superstratum was very light, and brownish black, the remainder yellowish brown, the yellow tints as well as the stiffness increasing downwards.
  • The formation of Israeli was NOT the result of language contact between spoken Hebrew and a powerful superstratum, such as English in the case of some vernacular Arabics, Kurdish in the case of Neo-Aramaic, or French in the case of English.
  • On leaving Surruk Durrah we entered the narrow gorge before alluded to; it is five miles long, and has precipitous sides, at the bottom of which rushed a foaming torrent: the formation of the hills was slate with a superstratum of limestone.
  • I therein said that I should visit these hills on my way down the river; and I am fully convinced from close examination, that they are a part of the same original superstratum, which I therein described, though 7 or 800 miles separated from them.
  • The whole superstratum, which is oftentimes many feet in thickness, consists of the debris of vegetable and animal matter; for these swamps are scarcely more noted for their luxuriant vegetation, than they are for their abundance of insects and reptiles.
  • Like in France, where the result of the contact of Gaulish Latin, as a spoken substratum, with superstratum Frankish only surfaced in writing in the ninth century after the Carolingian Reform, it needed a strong external impetus to adjust the written language to the spoken practice.
  • "Colonial Magazine," vol.ii. p. 309, says the finest Indian corn he ever saw was in the Himalayas of the Sikim-range, where the soil consists of a substratum of decomposed _mica_ from the under or rocky stratum, with a superstratum of from three to six inches of decayed vegetable matter, from leaves, &c., of the ancient forests.

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