IPA: supɝvˈin
- (intransitive) To follow (something) closely, either as a consequence or in contrast.
- To supersede.
- To be dependent on an earlier event.
- (philosophy, followed by on) To be dependent on something else for existence, truth, or instantiation.
Examples of "supervene" in Sentences
- And the stuff they supervene on is arranged through physical activity.
- Blog posts may not be reducible to stuff, but they do supervene on stuff.
- Sounds thus are not identical with and do not supervene upon the waves, since waves travel (Pasnau 1999).
- In general, at least in some exemplary cases, high-level structures supervene on low-level material flux.
- The system is said to "supervene" (I'm not making this up) on its components causing the whole to be greater than the sum of the parts.
- Although objects of higher order are based on infima they are not reducible to them; properties of superiora supervene on properties of their inferiora.
- Nor is it just that appropriate moral predication must supervene on nonmoral predication, to put the point in a way that does not beg the question against non-cognitivism.
- In view of the important changes in his own life which were about to supervene, that is to say, firstly, his departure for India, and secondly, his coming of age before he could hope to return from that land of promise, he had counted on a quiet evening with his mother.
- On this proposal the norms would be needed to represent the contents of the realist's thought because different realist theories might have the moral properties supervene on different nonmoral properties and a person could be a realist without being committed to the truth of any particular realist theory.
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