
IPA: sʌpɝʌt


  • (intransitive) To form or discharge pus.
  • (transitive) To cause to generate pus.

Examples of "suppurate" in Sentences

  • All I get are these sores in my soft palate that suppurate profusely.
  • If a thrombus be formed in the opening, it will inflame and suppurate.
  • Even a small nick in the skin, treated thus, could quickly suppurate into a lethal infection.
  • I always enjoy the comments more when I have to look up words but I might have been able to get through the day without knowing the definition of suppurate.
  • Scot, "Evans is the chief anxiety right now; his cuts and wounds suppurate, his nose looks very bad, and altogether he shows considerable signs of being played out."
  • And the flesh will shoot up and grow below the more quickly, and the pieces of bone ascend, if one will get the wound to suppurate and make it clean as quickly as possible.
  • She doesn't know what's in her, what worm or parasite causes her to suppurate like this, part of her pancreas, part of her bowel; there's that moment of hesitation, that meniscoid pause in the process of boiling up, before it swells over the lip of the toilet -
  • But the wound should be made to suppurate as quickly as possible; for, thus the parts surrounding the wound would be the least disposed to inflammation, and would become the soonest clean; for the flesh which has been chopped and bruised by the blow, must necessarily suppurate and slough away.

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