IPA: sˈɝfɪŋ
- The pastime or sport of riding surf on a surfboard.
- The activity of browsing the Internet.
Examples of "surfing" in Sentences
- But surfing is a sport that is fascinating to watch.
- I wonder if that's because I'm surfing from a California IP address.
- Mostly, I learned that surfing is an amazing example of physics in action.
- He has a PHd in surfing the internet and specialized in leaving comments on blogs.
- According to AdMob, mobile surfing is far more mainstream than what many people might think.
- Come and surf with us on our beaches, remembering that in surfing, each wave is your first wave!
- In fact, surfing is a way of life for Sayulita, and young surfers with toned bodies bedecked in the latest fashions appear enthralled by Sayulita.
- Where your whole life, being a famous surfer's daughter who's been surfing since she was four but pursued acting, dancing, singing -- NOT surfing in other words -- you don't get to meld the two loves together.