IPA: sɝprˈaɪzd
- Caused to feel surprise, amazement or wonder, or showing an emotion due to an unexpected event.
Examples of "surprised" in Sentences
- Reg Barclay turned, his expression surprised and delighted.
- The word surprised does not even begin to express my feelings.
- May-Ann let go and took a step back, her expression surprised.
- This title surprised me, and pleasantly so, and you might want to check it out if you get the chance…
- Sidmouth, you will be surprised at the vote I gave last night, and, indeed, I am not myself altogether satisfied with it; '-- to which I replied, My dear Wilberforce, I shall never be _surprised_ at any vote you give.'"
- And while I would not be surprised if Trig is bottle fed, I would also not be surprised if he was breast fed... and I would not be *surprised* if either Palin or some future political figure managed to do just that on the campaign trail.
- the candidate is a nullity. who can be surprised at this latest in a series of flip-flops? after nafta, iraq, the rev wright, campaign finance reform, fisa, the death penalty and gun control are we really supposed to be _surprised_ at this latest series of pirouettes?
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