IPA: sɝprˈaɪzɪŋ
- A situation in which somebody is surprised.
- Causing surprise.
Examples of "surprising" in Sentences
- The term "surprising" has lots of connotations, but...
- The statement contained what he described as surprising facts.
- He said the statement contained what he described as surprising information.
- In what he called a surprising move, School Board member Julie Lucas announced her resignation.
- The word "surprising," used to describe the size of that month's price jump, recurs with surprising frequency.
- LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- A U.S. researcher, in what he calls a surprising finding, says females were more intense about online games.
- Dr. Gilbert attributed the frequency, which she called surprising, to the fact that the hospital served an "amazingly international cross section of women of color."
- CLANCY: It comes as NATO is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan after a top commander there said the Taliban is showing what he called a surprising level of resistance.
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, told reporters that U.S. and NATO forces are making what he called surprising progress in traditional Taliban strongholds in southern Afghanistan.