IPA: sɝʌptˈɪʃʌs
- Stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert (especially movements).
Examples of "surreptitious" in Sentences
- When he called a surreptitious meeting to try to get Emmerson
- Or this was all surreptitious, which isn't true, due to state contracts.
- At its core, “macroeconomic management” is invariably an exercise in surreptitious theft and fraud.
- Learn more about the word "surreptitious" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary.
- Terrorist will seek and potentially gain surreptitious entry into the United States to conduct mass casualty attacks against Americans on US soil.
- The two leading cases on so-called surreptitious entry, or what have come to be known as “sneak and peek” searches, came to very similar conclusions….
- The word surreptitious has appeared in 42 New York Times articles in the past year, including on May 29 in "French Broadcasters Told to Avoid Naming Social Media Sites," by Eric Pfanner:
- He liked to speak elliptically, but he made it clear that he had on his staff at least one black-bag man that is, a surreptitious entry specialist although he never admitted having had him employ those talents.
- Finally, insofar as President Bush has exercised his powers to engage in surreptitious electronic surveillance without court-issued warrants in violation of the FISA, on the basis of an implausibly broad construction of his inherent Article II powers and a reading of the AUMF that was rightly repudiated in a slightly different context by the Supreme Court's recent Hamdan decision, the "fix" reportedly negotiated between The White House and Senator Arlen Specter, in which the legality of the NSA program of warrantless surveillance would be submitted for adjudication on the basis of a one-sided presentation to the FISA court by the Executive Branch -- which alone would be authorized to control the evidence to be considered, the forum for its consideration, whether the proceedings would be public or secret, and whether the result would be published or kept under wraps, and which alone would be authorized to appeal an adverse ruling to an Article III court including the Supreme Court -- is as transparently phony and futile as is the suggestion of a congressionally enacted vehicle to confer standing on someone to obtain a judicial ruling on the legality of this President's signing statements.
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