IPA: swˈeɪɝ
- One who or that which sways something.
Examples of "swayer" in Sentences
- That would be a vote swayer for me.
- Adding ten more sentences from Swayer would not bloat it.
- Reed Bunting sedge-scuttler; swayer; a cool perch
- They must have gotten a lot of emails and calls to have swayer make a correction.
- Left alone, Hector Strong, lord of journalism and swayer of empires, resumed his pacings.
- She'd never be a swayer, but studying then practicing Nancy's amazing taffy walk brought such significant change.
- "He is the most premeditated and best- synchronized swayer in his profession," Liebling wrote of Archie Moore—what a sentence!
- Ai had four yeers ob Spanish, an jes toodai ai proobed dat ai nose swayer wurds, but cud nawt hoald daon a conbersayshun in it.
- Ephesus, in which Lydian damsels greatly reverence thee; and thou, our national goddess, swayer of the aegis, Minerva, guardian of the city!
- In the face of floating pass after floating pass, the Chileans hunker down, serious feeling, a slow swayer, tectonic tragedy in their heart but motion in their feet.
- The great Hector Strong, lord of journalism and swayer of empires, paced the floor of his luxurious apartment with bowed head, his corrugated countenance furrowed with lines of anxiety.
- The swayer in hammocks may find amusement and may enrich science by his record of observations; his memory will be more vivid, his caste the worthier, for the intimacy with wild things achieved when swinging between earth and sky, unfettered by mattress or roof.