
IPA: tˈeɪbz


  • (medicine) A kind of slow bodily wasting or emaciating disease, often accompanying a chronic disease.
  • (more specifically) Tabes dorsalis.

Examples of "tabes" in Sentences

  • Or maybe it's just tabes dorsalis.
  • Tabes is an old medical term that means wasting.
  • His work included the study of tabes dorsalis and alcoholism.
  • Manet vero tabes pituitaria: manet temperamentum in catarrhos proclive.
  • He is also credited for providing an early description of tabes dorsalis.
  • But in the early 1880s the syphilis returned in the form of a neurosyphilis called tabes dorsalis.
  • The explosive rush and momentum of these deafferented extensor reflexes recall the ataxy of tabes.
  • Among special studies of individual diseases were: on tabes dorsalis by Romberg, Duchenne, Armand Trousseau (1801-66),
  • Jugurthae traderent; alii perfugas vendere, pars ex pacatis praedas agebant; tanta vis avaritiae in animos eorum veluti tabes invaserat.
  • The somewhat frequent occurrence of degenerative diseases of the nervous system (tabes dorsalis and disseminated sclerosis) in persons suffering from malaria by Morton Prince
  • Table, the Italio hotel rents tabes and chairs and there is a place on Zaragoza in west Ajijic, six corners area that used to sell ice, but doesn't anymore, but does rent plastice tables and chairs.
  • Aneurysm of the aorta, excessive blood pressure, serious cardiac and renal conditions, the presence of a hernia and the existence of central nervous disease, as tabes dorsalis, should be at least known before attempting any endoscopic procedure.
  • Qualis est animi tinea, quae tabes pectoris zelare in altero vel aliorum felicitatem suam facere miseriam, et velut quosdam pectori suo admovere carnifices, cogitationibus et sensibus suis adhibere tortores, qui se intestinis cruciatibus lacerent.
  • Such an air as I have described, should have no bad effect upon a moist, phlegmatic constitution, such as mine; and yet it must be owned, I have been visibly wasting since I came hither, though this decay I considered as the progress of the tabes which began in England.

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