IPA: tˈeɪbʌɫwɛr
- The cutlery, crockery and glassware used in setting a table for a meal.
Examples of "tableware" in Sentences
- (Clarence Manion - an eye for interesting "tableware"
- Google can't reach keywords "tableware" from the cache.
- (Psst: The company often produces private-label tableware for these stores).
- Clearly the high-end goods are not the kind of tableware normally found in a ship going to war.
- Its customers include national specialty stores, gift stores and department stores - and it often produces private label tableware for clients.
- It has thrown up the largest collection of high-quality stamped tableware, glass beads, semi-precious stones, amphora shreds, a canoe and what seems to be a pier.
- Customers can choose fragile tableware from the Smash Shack Menu — for example a set of three glass flowers for USD 10, or the House Special, which consists of 15 plates at a cost of USD 45.
- Massachusetts-based Recycline makers of the popular Preserve line of recycled toothbrushes, razors and tableware is one of twenty small businesses left in the Forbes. com "Boost Your Business" contest.
- She needs the money to buy products such as tableware, creams, perfumes, sandals, and ornaments since in the month of May Mother's Day is celebrated in our country and her clients already have already placed some orders ..