IPA: tˈeɪbɝˈɛt
- Alternative spelling of taboret [A little drum; a tabret.]
Examples of "tabouret" in Sentences
- “Take a seat,” I said, placing a tabouret; and I made her sit down.
- *The tabouret, a padded stool was awarded to those holding the rank of duchess.
- He noticed the Scotch on a tabouret and a cigar box near a chromium smoking stand.
- Quand j'ai repris conscience j'etais dans les bras de ma prof de bio qui essayais de me retenir de ne pas tomber de mon tabouret.
- * The tabouret was a stool allowed to the Ladies of the Court particularly distinguished by rank or favour, when in presence of the Royal Family.
- Livré à plat, très facile et rapide à monter et extrêmement solide (supporte jusqu´à 200 kg!), il peut servir de tabouret, de chevet, ou de table d´appoint.
- * The tabouret was a stool allowed to the Ladies of the Court particularly distinguished by rank or favour, when in presence of the Royal Family. ” “Les entrees” gave a familiar access to the King and Queen.