IPA: tˈæbjʌɫeɪtɝ
- A person who counts or tabulates things.
- The mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders.
- (computing) A tab character.
- (computing, historical) An early data processing machine that produces printed lists and totals from data on punched cards.
Examples of "tabulator" in Sentences
- Upon review, it was determined that there was a truncation error in the final printout sent to the tabulator.
- Then our tabulator is a part and parcel of the instrument, costing you nothing more than the original price of the machine, which is one hundred dollars -- without discount. "
- In other words, unless Alaska is using a more updated version of the Diebold software, it's relatively simple to modify results in the central tabulator and delete virtually all evidence that one has done so.
- That's the shocking admission heard today from Justin Bales, Premier's Western Region manager, at a State of California public hearing on the possible decertification of Diebold/Premier's tabulator system, GEMS v. 1.18.19.
- The State requested several deadline extensions and eventually refused to release the "central tabulator data file" taken from the Diebold-supplied computer used to run the "GEMS" (Global Election Management Software) application.
- Moreover, Diebold was forced to admit in August that their GEMS central tabulator system, used with both DRE and paper-based optical-systems in 34 states this year, routinely drops thousands of votes without notifying system administrators.
- To be clear: Computerized vote-counting, whether on optical scan or on DREs, with paper ballots or without, is heavily reliant on the computerized compilation done by the central tabulator, which is under direct control of the election administrator and those he selects as IT administrators.