IPA: tˈæsɪtɝn
- Silent; temperamentally untalkative; disinclined to speak.
Examples of "taciturn" in Sentences
- Philip Baddock looked defiant, and Felkin taciturn and sulky.
- One of the advantages of being taciturn is that it is rare for your words to get you into trouble.
- When Bush picked Cheney he was known as a taciturn fixer who preferred to operate in the backrooms.
- He was in his nineties, had been active up to this weekend, and represented the finest kind of taciturn Yankee.
- All that day and the next and the next Holmes was in a mood which his friends would call taciturn, and others morose.
- Gen. Kosaner, appointed chief of the general staff last August, was known as a taciturn hardliner within the military.
- I think there was a kind of taciturn and absolute resolution necessary to survive there that is actually a pretty heavy burden.
- His bosses are telling him to take it easy; he's charging about in taciturn Heathcliffian style following his hunches and shouting at a woman with "locked-in" syndrome.
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