
IPA: tˈækinʌs


  • The state of being tacky

Examples of "tackiness" in Sentences

  • In these tough times too many of us are showing ourselves to be prone to negativity, avarice and just plain tackiness.
  • Timmy Ryan: It's not the technology aspect Barry; it's the "tackiness", and an obvious attempt to try to sound cool and hip - ...
  • One of Mr. Lucas's particular achievements is the manner in which he is able to recall the tackiness of the old comic strips and serials he loves without making a movie that is, itself, tacky.
  • Steve Jobs described Microsoft products as “tacky” and anybody who has used a Macintosh computer will instantly understand what he means by that – the tackiness is multi-faceted and runs deep in the Microsoft product.
  • *HOWEVER*, on the grounds that (1) you're in the educational world and would probably prefer zero advertising, and (2) this may help reduce our 'tackiness' score, we'll give you a free upgrade to ClustrMaps+ status, which means no more advertising and (starting in a few days) better maps zoomed in to the various continents.
  • The Lindens have done every possible thing they can do to kill this kind of resident-organized public gathering for a whole host of reasons ranging from the campaigning of a few third-party website barons who hate it when the economy doesn't move through their servers, and esthetes offended by popular culture and the "tackiness" of yard sales.
  • Clustrmaps responded with: ....on the grounds that (1) you're in the educational world and would probably prefer zero advertising, and (2) this may help reduce our 'tackiness' score, we'll give you a free upgrade to ClustrMaps+ status, which means no more advertising and (starting in a few days) better maps zoomed in to the various continents.

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synonyms for tackinessdescribing words for tackiness

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