
IPA: tˈækt


  • Sensitive mental touch; special skill or faculty; keen perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances; the ability to say the right thing.
  • Propriety; manners (etiquette).
  • The sense of touch; feeling.
  • (music) The stroke in beating time.
  • (psychology) A verbal operant which is controlled by a nonverbal stimulus (such as an object, event, or property of an object) and is maintained by nonspecific social reinforcement (praise).
  • (slang) Clipping of tactic. [A maneuver, or action calculated to achieve some end.]


  • (psychology) To use a tact (a kind of verbal operant).

Examples of "tact" in Sentences

  • Our president should be applauding Honduras for keeping democracy in tact!
  • Family outings, for any in tact family (especially "families of color") is important.
  • Obviously, she still loves him and wants to keep her family in tact ... but enough is enough.
  • Those who can not fight with honor and morals in tact, deserve to rot in hell for all eternity.
  • We want to keep that part of the system mostly in tact, but if we remove the cap on taxes, we want to cap off the benefits we pay out.
  • Having the bulk of commuters come through the existing entrance, keeping the stairs in tact is "not appropriate, and it's not safe," he added.
  • As my writing tenure proceeded, I received a crash course in tact, sensitivity, and compassion, which I in turn tried to incorporate in my writing and my actions.
  • She was accomplished — possessed of that fine perception and sensitiveness, and that ready power of self-adaptation to the peculiarities and moods of others, which we term tact — and was, moreover, gifted with a certain natural grace, and manners the most winning imaginable.
  • A wealthy cit has as little regard for men of letters as a fashionable, nor has he the same tact of concealing his indifference; the well-bred man of fashion, who is alone truly the man of fashion, studies _tact_ above all things, and his tact prevents him ever regarding men of mind with any thing approaching contempt.

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