
IPA: tˈæktʃuʌɫ


  • Of, or relating to the sense of touch.

Examples of "tactual" in Sentences

  • 'tactual' time than in either 'auditory' or 'optical' time.
  • As for me, I had to be a mixture of visual and tactual-kinesthetic styles.
  • The clusters include not only visual but also tactual and other forms of sensation.
  • Again, I was sure of his learning style: a tactual-kinesthetic learner, I proclaimed.
  • For him, the initial position to take was that if there are different methods of measurement we have different concepts, as he said about “tactual” and
  • Some philosophers defended the position that the visual and tactual notions of a globe differ from one another, and can only be related by either experience or reason
  • Training Camp "boot camps" help students grasp complex technical concepts more easily by identifying and catering to individual student learning styles through a mixed visual, auditory and kinesthetic-tactual delivery system.
  • In the lowest organisms we have a kind of tactual sense diffused over the entire body; then, through impressions from without and their corresponding adjustments, special portions of the surface become more responsive to stimuli than others.

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