
IPA: tˈægɝ


  • One who or that which tags.
  • The player who tries to catch others in the game of tag.
  • A person who writes graffiti using a specific mark
  • (computing theory) A program or algorithm that adds tags for purposes of categorization, e.g. grammatical information to words in a document, or genres to songs in a music collection.
  • A device for removing taglocks from sheep.
  • That which is pointed like a tag.
  • (slang) The penis.
  • (in the plural) Sheets of tin or other plate which run below the gauge.

Examples of "tagger" in Sentences

  • I sure hope I didn't miss a "tagger"... just drop me a line if I did!
  • A new version of the MusicBrainz tagger is available for download (win32 version).
  • Police said they believe they know the identity of the "tagger" and are investigating.
  • (Wikipedia suggests that "tagger" is a derogatory term, directed at Filipinos, although I think that's a stretch.
  • Ive heard people saying you need to use a 'tagger' on the encoded. mp4 file - I've tried this but it doesnt make any difference.
  • The 'tagger' is none other than Alis Hawkins, known to regular visitors as the author of the recent Macmillan New Writing title Testament.
  • I’m not saying every tagger is a budding Basquiat, but on the list of issues deserving a front-page crusade, graffiti ranks about as high as McGin’s “schlumpy” grooming habits.

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