IPA: tˈeɪɫbɔrd
- A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading; a tailgate.
Examples of "tailboard" in Sentences
- He gripped the tailboard and weighed the distance between us and our pursuers.
- Somehow they kept me aloft long enough to get an arm round a stanchion and a leg over the tailboard.
- It seemed that he had decorated his lorry with a shoe on the radiator and another on the tailboard at the back.
- I was into that wagon in a twinkling, bawling to the driver to go like blazes, and blasting away over the tailboard with an Adams six-shooter in each fist.
- Female voices screamed as I was dragged staggering along, hands clutched at my arms and collar, and I was pulled bodily against the tailboard with my legs going like pistons in mid-air.
- Ahead of me, Grattan was swinging himself from his saddle over the tailboard of a wagon, and farther ahead the savaneros of the mule-train were doing likewise, their mules running free.
- As he rode up to Anson Mills, I noticed young Standing Bear in war-bonnet and leggings, with lance and carbine, at the head of one of the lines; I beckoned him to the tailboard and asked him what was up.
- She was a smart girl, and since I was sleeping out most of the time, it was the simplest thing for her to slip over the tailboard in the small hours, creep into my little tent, and roger the middle watch away.
- He had got a Martini from one of the wounded men who were lying pale and silent behind us in the jolting wagon, and now he snuggled the butt into his shoulder, keeping the barrel clear of the rattling tailboard, and let off four shots as fast as he could eject and reload.
- The sergeant, in the act of climbing over the tailboard, let out a hell of a shriek; I glimpsed his face, red and staring, and his arm flung out to point, and then his eyes stared horribly, and he slumped down into the dust, with a throwing assegai between his shoulders, his limbs thrashing wildly.