IPA: tˈeɪɫgeɪt
- A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading.
- (Britain) The hinged rear door of a hatchback.
- Either of the downstream gates in a canal lock.
- Synonym of Monicagate
- (US) Ellipsis of tailgate party. [A celebration, held in a parking lot, with picnic food served out of the back of automobiles or pickup trucks.]
- (automotive, intransitive, transitive) To drive dangerously close behind another vehicle.
- To follow another person through access control on their access, rather than on one’s own credentials, especially when entering a door controlled by a card reader.
- (finance, of a broker) To privately purchase or sell a security immediately after trading in the same security for a client.
- (US, intransitive) To have a tailgate party.
Examples of "tailgate" in Sentences
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