
IPA: tˈeɪɫʌs


  • Without a tail; not having a tail.

Examples of "tailless" in Sentences

  • The object, dubbed 2006 SQ372, is a kind of tailless comet that's currently some two billion ...
  • I believe we had to choose the name of a tailless monkey — gibbous, gibbon, gibber, none of the above.
  • Joel often hears from people who have a tailless squirrel in their neighborhood, usually nicknamed Stub, he said.
  • I had contacted Joel with my own squirrel story, asking about a tailless squirrel I see from time to time in my back yard.
  • To be classified as tailless, the dog had to have a tail approximately 6 inches or less in length we eliminated small toy dogs from the sample.
  • In October 1886, at Tuxedo Park's Autumn Ball, an annual gala honoring debutantes, Griswold and a few of his friends emerged in tailless dress coats and scarlet satin vests.
  • The creatures included a monstrous blue unicorn with a beard like a goat and tailless, but talented, beavers that walked on their hind legs, lived in huts and built campfires.
  • What is of importance is that Henry Poole & Co.'s archives seem to show the Prince of Wales, above either Griswold or Mr. Potter, deserves recognition for commissioning the tailless dinner jacket earliest—in 1865.
  • As legend has it, the notoriously unchaste Prince wished to get to know Mrs. Potter in a more intimate setting, but first he encouraged Mr. Potter to order an avant-garde tailless dinner jacket especially for the trip.
  • The tailless satin coat described in Town Topics, Mr. Sonne believes, was a variation on the classic British naval mess coat, a uniform Griswold and his pals observed officers wearing earlier that summer at the Cowes sailing regattas.

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